Saint Mark Church History
1894 – 2024
“Thus saith the Lord of hosts; consider your ways. Go up to the mountain and bring wood and build the house; and I will take pleasure in it, and I will be glorified, saith the Lord.”
Haggai 1:7-8
When we as Christians are inspired by God to recognized the church as being the body of Jesus Christ, God’s loving gift to the world, then and only then are we led to unite our forces and build for Him a house of worship. He tells us to forsake not the assembling of ourselves together.
1894 We are sure that it was from these words of inspiration that a group of members under the leadership of Rev. I. B . Burch withdrew from the Mount Zion Baptist Church located on the corner of Canal at Navigation Boulevard in Second Ward. These members saw fit to organize themselves into a body known as a “Missionary Baptist Church.” Rev. I. B. Burch was selected as their pastor. The church was named Saint Mark Missionary Baptist Church by one of its members, Sis. Dilcy Catchings. For some time, the church met in the African Methodist Church building in Third Ward until property could be purchased and a building erected. The church prospered numerically and financially.
1900 Rev. E. Black succeeded the late Rev. Burch and after the death of Rev. Black, the church succeeded in calling Rev. William Treadville. As years passed, Rev. Adam Thompson the assistant pastor carried on services at several intervals during the absence of several pastors.
1940 Rev. W. H. Snow was called to the pastorate of the church and served for a period of 12 years. He also served as Moderator of the South Texas District Association. The challenge or testing time for Saint Mark was in 1900 when the church edifice was totally destroyed by the disastrous storm of 1900. However, the pioneer members were not disheartened, and in the midst of total destruction, a new house of worship was erected and dedicated. Continuing Her march of progress, Saint Mark was honored to have the following pastoral leaders: Rev. J. H. Sherman, Rev. L. C. Cross, Rev. C. H. McCraw, Rev. A. R. Rogers, Rev. B. L. Brown (who challenged the membership to support the church in tithes and offerings), Rev. C. T. Lee and Rev. T. E. Marshall.

1950 Rev. Joseph Brown, Sr. was called in 1950. Due to the dwindling population and the industrial growth of Second Ward, the church moved from the I.G.N. Track to its present location, 5306 Lyons Avenue, in 1952. Rev. Brown served faithfully for 12 years. Rev. L. B. Gaines was called as pastor in 1963 after serving as assistant pastor.
1969 During the month of October 1969, led by the Holy Spirit, Rev. William R. Lott accepted the post as pastor of our church. He immediately put into action an organized effort to unite the fleeing membership to come together on one accord. Acting to the dictation of the Holy Spirit and exercising his genius as an evangelist, pastor, educator and builder, the church was blessed spiritually, numerically and financially. The financial prosperity of the church soared under Pastor Lott’s administration. The effects of his accomplishments would later be realized and appreciated when the congregation embarked on a building program with its new pastor.
1979 Due to Pastor Lott’s transition to Chicago in 1979, Rev. Joe Anderson carried on the services until July 1980.

1980 God has a man for every emergency to build and rebuild the spiritual walls that sometimes tend to be shaken by intrusion. In 1980 the membership called Rev. William T. Glynn, who came in with a message to rebuild the walls of our hearts. He served for a period of 10 years. Under his leadership the Saint Mark Family met another challenge and entered its new sanctuary debt free. Rev. Glynn challenged us to great accomplishments.
1991 As an Associate Minister, Rev. James W. Glynn succeeded his brother in February 1991. He consistently challenges the membership through the preaching of the Word of God.
2000 Pastor James Glynn challenged us to Love according to God’s Word and to Give according to God’s Word and to Build a sanctuary according to the needs of the people. Through the generous financial gifts of the membership we acquired a parking lot and additional property. In 2010 our present edifice was completely remodel. Pastor Glynn continued to encourage the membership to commit to a sacrificial offering to purchase the adjoining property surrounding the church. Because of our obedience we now own the adjoining property and we are in a position to expand and build an education edifice to equip the church for the Kingdom Cause. In order to reach the lost and accommodate members who are not able to attend Sunday Services, Pastor implemented a Saturday evening Church Service. This service has been a blessing in the lives of some of our new members. 2020 As we continue our journey, God in His Inimitable Grace has supplied our every need from 1894 to 2020. Acting to the dictation of the Holy Spirit Pastor Glynn continues to lead the congregation in an understanding of the purpose of the Church, evangelism, discipleship, fellowship, ministry/mission and worship. We enter our 130th Jubilee Celebration with a priceless heritage. A heritage that comes through our knowledge of Jesus Christ and our obedience to His will and way. A heritage that gives us stability to stand against the culture of this world. We stand with kindness, firmness, love and patience. When everyone around us are compromising
, we stand firm pointing men to Jesus. Our goal has been and always will be to carry out the great commission recorded in Matthew 28:19-20. Saint Mark made her choice 130 years ago when she withdrew from Mount Zion, and we rejoice and thank God for blessing us with a spirit-filled leader who is equipped to lead us with a greater determination to win souls for Christ.